Monday, October 4, 2010

WeSpeak! Associate Artists


This is a group of Artists who are “associated” with WeSpeak! Art Group. They are not “full” members of the main group, but they share in the philosophy and goals of the Group.

As Associate Members they are allowed the privilege of being included on this site, of being guest artists at the WeSpeak! Exhibitions and listed on all printed matter distributed under the WeSpeak! label. Their portfolios will also be shown to prospective galleries for possible inclusion in Group Exhibitions…but any invitations to Associate Members will be at the discretion of the Gallery Management….sort of like having a catalogue of artists to present from which the Gallery can select those that best fit their concept. Additionally, the Associate Members can have their issues and ideas considered by the Main Group at its meetings.

Associate Members are in NO way restricted from joining other groups, having solo exhibitions, marketing their work online, having their own blogspots or websites, or any other self-promotion activities.

There will be NO charge or dues for membership as an Associate. Members may be asked from time to time to assist with website building or setting up Exhibitions or distribution of fliers; but those things are all optional and not required.

This group of Associate Members is intended to grow without limit. The ONLY requirements are: (A.) They must create art from their soul; be dedicated to Art as a Life Commitment and not just as a supplement or hobby…(B.) The quality of their work must be approved by the WeSpeak! founder, Shahar Koyok…and (C.) They must be serious in their Art Production and always have inventory on hand for potential shows, promotions and sales.

It is envisioned that WeSpeak! and its Associates will become the Premier Voice for Artists across Malaysia. Through growing numbers, WeSpeak! will have a stronger and stronger impact on issues affecting every aspect of our Common Passion: Art (in all its many aspects).